Saturday, April 12, 2014

Laying out our weed barrier for this years tomato, lettuce, cabbage, and pepper area

Drip line nightmare! Note to self put away and store  a different way next year!

Our Bees have arrived!!  2.5 pounds of bees in that box!

Honey from last years colony. We are giving it to our new bees so they have a good start on food for the lil babies the queen will be laying very shortly!

Kim and I preparing the supers (white box) and frames for our new arrivals

Kim, holding the queen cage, which is covered in bees. The cage contains the queen, where she will stay for a few days as the colony feeds her and gets used to her. After a few days we will return and release the queen into the hive.  Each package comes with a new queen, if she is released into the colony right away there is a chance the bees will attack and kill her.

Kim Shaking the bees into there new home!!